Blog - Felipe Luis.

Hey there, my name is Felipe Luis and I am a frontend developer with a strong passion for technology and design.

The best boilerplate of Docker configs for Node

Felipe Luis

Boilerplate of the best Docker configs for Node

This repo is the best Boilerplate Docker Configs for your projects in Node.JS


Before using this boilerplate, install these sh components:

First config

In the file .docker/, you need to change the yarn install to npm install or bun install or something else.

On the Dockerfile, you will see the version of Node on the first line; depending on the project, you will change it.

On .devcontainer/devcontainer.json, you will see the amazing configurations for your docker environment, with the best extensions for your workdays.

Here is the list of the extensions:

And of course, the best config (in my opinion) is the Oh My Zsh features:

"": {},
"": {
  "plugins": "git git-flow F-Sy-H zsh-autosuggestions zsh-completions",
  "omzPlugins": ""
"": {}

If you prefer I have a repo of this:

🌿 Conservation Units List: Exploring Brazilian Biomes with Node.js

Felipe Luis

This project was inspired by a request from PhD Laís Carneiro, aiming to deepen research into environmental conservation in Brazil. 🌎